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We live in a world full of brands competing for attention. The key is to build a strong brand identity and market yourself accordingly. Knowing what your brand stands for, what it means to your target market, and how it speaks to the world will make it easy for you to stand out from your rival businesses. But what exactly does brand identity refer to? A brand identity or, more simply put, branding, is the embodiment of your business. It covers the way you present yourself to your target market and how you communicate and engage with them. Establishing your brand identity will help build rapport with your audience and build trust in your industry.

  1. Look For The Freemium Angle

Freemium products are a great way to give your customers something for free that will help to generate leads and build brand awareness. For example, a photo editing app that leaves a watermark on anything exported on a free plan. Customers can edit their photos for free and share them with the world, and your logo gets shared along with that photo. If a user wants to remove your logo, they need to pay for the full version of the app. If you can find a freemium angle for your business, you’ll be providing a great service or product for your customers that also promotes your brand.

  1. Put Special Emphasis On Your Packaging

Whether you sell a product or a service, your packaging is important. The way you present your offering should always stand out, and your branding plays a major role in this. Packaging doesn’t just have to mean physical boxes. It can also refer to your website and sales process if you’re selling as a service online. It can be little things like fun messages on the inside of the lid of the product box or personalized notes on your invoices after completing a service. That attention to detail will get your customers to talk about your brand and give you valuable word-of-mouth advertising. It’s all about creating an experience that speaks to your target market by showing them ‌you understand what makes them smile.

  1. Play With Technology And Get Interactive

Technology is not something that should be shied away from, even if your brand has a retro or old-school vibe to it. Getting as interactive as possible is the way of the future, especially with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) becoming commonplace technology. Customers enjoy being able to engage with a brand on different platforms. When you adapt to changing technologies quickly in your digital marketing and other spheres, you gain a reputation for being courageous and at the forefront of the way the world is moving. This can be extremely valuable for building trust in a tech-savvy customer base.

  1. Go For A Little Controversy

Taking a risk is something that can lead to high rewards for any brand. You just need to be aware that the old adage “there’s no such thing as bad press” is not always true. If a risky stance or marketing tactic backfires, you could need to make some serious reparations to get your brand back into good standings. This is why it’s important to take calculated risks.


A brand that takes a stand on a controversial issue will polarize its audience but could gain some very loyal followers. Before you step out onto that ledge, though, be sure to read the room properly and get the tone of your potentially controversial stance right. When you take risks and offer up an opinion, your brand will never get thought of as boring.

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