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We live in a world where everything is moving faster. People no longer have the patience for long-form content and are looking for short, digestible videos, preferably under 3 minutes. Adopting a video marketing strategy that is based on short video content not only allows you to give your audience what they want but also helps you get across your message to them in a more effective manner.

  1. Hire Influencers to Create Short Video Content

There are several benefits to hiring influencers to promote your business. People are visual learners and video allows you to communicate with them in a very powerful way. Influencers allow you to add a human element to your brand, this is important considering that people trust people more than they trust brands. If you have any problems finding the right influencer for your brand, you can make use of an influencer marketplace, this will make the process of finding influencers for your brand much less time consuming.

  1. Run Ads with Short Video Content

Using short video for your advertisements is an excellent way to drive traffic to your website. There are multiple benefits to paying for traffic, and video does an excellent job of capturing the attention of the users. Short video content gives you more opportunity to capture the attention of an audience as opposed to static photo content. This can be accomplished by using a catchy hook, having a clear message, and choosing the right short video ad format.

  1. Ask Your Customers to Create Short Video Content

Asking your customers to create short video content that serves as testimonials for your product is perhaps the most powerful tool you have at your disposal to reach the targets outlined in the video marketing strategy. Testimonials are easy enough to make for your customers because all they would need is some sort of video recording device and the ability ‍to send the footage over to you.  The power of word-of-mouth has been so studied and documented that it’s scary. A study found that customers were willing to spend up to 30% more on a product after reading positive reviews.

  1. Add Short Video Testimonials and Product Videos to Your Website

Adding the short videos that you create to your website is a video marketing strategy that we can’t stress enough. When customers are browsing around your website, there are a million questions or objections they have about your products. With a short video formatted, you can easily answer most common questions or objections in less than 60 seconds. When they see this style of content on your website, it provides comfort.


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