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Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business. And success is difficult to achieve without it. No matter how much time, effort and money you’ve put into building your website, if you’re not getting traffic, the value of your site drops because of all those potential customers who never see it. And that’s just bad for business.

Recognize that content is king.

In the past, this may have meant stuffing your page with keywords in an effort to artificially boost your search engine result page (SERP) ranking. But Google now explicitly advises against this. While it’s still important to create SEO-friendly content, Google’s increasingly sophisticated search algorithms do a better job all the time of “sniffing out” quality.

Get social.

Being active on social media is one of the best ways to stay engaged with your audience and drive traffic back to your website.It is found that 61 percent of its high-traffic sites had an attached Facebook page. While having a Facebook page and a Twitter account is more or less considered a requirement for online businesses today, don’t neglect the less-established platforms.

Optimize for mobile.

In May 2015, Google announced that the volume of searches on mobile devices had surpassed those on desktops for the first time. This trend has continued, and with mobile devices getting faster and more sophisticated, there’s no reason to think it will abate any time soon. Not surprisingly, Google now factors into its SERP rating how mobile-friendly a website is. It even offers a free tool that can tell you how mobile-friendly your website is.

Optimize for speed.

Another factor that not only affects SERP ranking but greatly impacts usability is page speed. Nobody likes to sit around waiting for a page to load. 40 percent of people abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load. One of the most common culprits when it comes to slow page-load times is image size.

Email marketing.

Virtually as long as there’s been email, there’s been email marketing. It’s become so ubiquitous that on occasion observers have predicted its demise. While cold-emailing may be on life support due to the efficiency of spam filters and regulations like GDPR, marketing to a list of engaged subscribers remains one of the most efficient means of driving traffic to your website.


What better way to communicate about new products and services or content then by sending timely, relevant and personalized emails to your subscribers?

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