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Internet users’ average time reading brand e-mails fell from over 13 seconds in 2018 to 10 seconds in 2021. Part of the reason for this is the increased volume of emails people receive daily. Consequently, marketers have to try harder to get their readers’ attention and convert them. If you want to get through your target audience, you need to consider customer psychology. Creating content that connects with people will be easier once you know what they want to hear and see.

  1. Make use of scarcity

Scarcity in email marketing uses customers’ Fear of Missing Out (or FOMO) to get them to take action. It’s based on the psychological principle that people want what is difficult to acquire. Scarcity, or the idea that something is limited in supply, is an excellent trigger for purchase. Letting people know of a product’s limited availability can boost sales. You can trigger scarcity in email marketing by including a countdown timer in your emails. The limited-time offer can work magic and persuade the readers to buy now. The best offers are highly desirable, unique, rare, or limited.

  1. Mutual reciprocity

Reciprocity is a general psychological characteristic that describes the way people act when they get a gift. Usually, they feel that they should give something in return. The concept of “you help me, I’ll help you,” is a very effective marketing strategy. If you give your subscribers something for free, they are more likely to purchase from you, as they will want to return the favor. The most crucial factor in using the reciprocity principle in email marketing is keeping the gesture genuine. Don’t be tempted to demand anything from the readers.

  1. The use of social proof

Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon where people look to others to validate a decision. Visual cues play an important role in getting readers to see social proof. Reed Courses strategically placed the customer star ratings below the first CTA and directly above the “Buy now” button in the email above. Always choose to place social proof near CTAs when crafting your emails. This way, the CTAs will be easy to spot, while the social proof will help convince visitors to convert.

  1. Affordability anchoring

Price anchoring refers to the behavior of people to strongly weigh the first piece of information offered when making decisions. In price anchoring, you set the anchor price first so that your customers can compare other things to that price. The first price will then act as a reference against which you measure the other goods. One way is to show an expensive product first and then follow it up with a less expensive one. The second product will seem more within reach and be seen as better value for money.

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