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Let’s talk about it in detail. Do you wish to make your mobile application one of a kind? Behold these effective tips (not in order) in mind, and you will be on your highway.

A Name of the App

Wait, what? The name of the application should be trendy, thoughtful and tenacious. Second thing, it should be short and sweet. Third thing, it should be related very closely to the genre of the mobile app. Check it out with an illustration: Messenger is succinct, related, looks cool when spoken, and uncommon. Adding ‘Z’ in the end of the app or putting it in between the name, word juggling, Adding prefix and suffix to the nomenclature, etc., are modern ways to name the mobile applications.

Laudable Logo

The logo is an ‘Emblem’ of Application. It’s really really important how good the logo looks. It catches our attention. The most difficult thing to design a logo is that it should be as unique as possible but it should be simple, supreme and stunning. Whatsapp, Facebook, Hike, Viber, Snapchat, etc., have such logos that it’s imprinted in our brain. It needs to be placid and paramount. That’s the beauty of it.

App description in App Stores

Can you guess about the specialty of the above two apps? Umm, both are the same. Funny, isn’t it? Yes, it is. When the user comes to ‘Play Store’ without having any knowledge of your application, it’s the app description that will lure him/her to click on the ‘Download’ button. Well, they say it right ‘Content is the King’. It’s not the matter of what you write; it’s how you write. At any rate, you should write it right.

Videos and Screenshots

Sometimes, the app description doesn’t explain to the user what the application is about. Then, it’s time for some pictorial representation. Of Course, Video, and Screenshots, to be precise, vivid video and salient screenshots will captivate the users to get the exact idea about the application. This is how an application is made unique. Phew!

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