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A website is meant to attract consumers to your business. But what do those consumers do once they land on your website? Maybe they give you a call or pop into your bricks-and-mortar location some time. And, sure, that’s all fine and dandy. But even better than that, your website itself can actually generate leads and sales for you with just a few simple tweaks.

Make it look good.

First, you need to make your website look good. A professional-looking website makes a great first impression, encourages users to stay on your website longer and presents your business as an industry leader. In fact, according to Adobe, 38 percent of people in one study said they would stop engaging with a website if the content/layout was unattractive.

Make it easy to contact you.

Many small businesses simply list their address, phone number and email on their website. But, you’ve got to make it easy for your potential customers to contact you. Many would rather not pick up the phone and call you to ask a simple question. In fact, in a survey by BankMyCell, 75 percent of millennials surveyed said they avoided phone calls because they’re time-consuming.

Add social proof.

To encourage your website visitors to pick your business over a competitor’s, add social proof to your website. The term was coined by Robert Cialdini in his 1984 book, Influence. It describes a “psychological and social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake behavior in a given situation.” In other words, if you show off your happy customers and clients to the world, website visitors will be more likely to want to become your customers too.

Start a blog.

Another element that will make your small business website more effective is a blog. A blog not only helps attract more visitors to your website, but once they’re there encourages them to become a customer.

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