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Consumer marketing is promoting a product or service to individual consumers for their personal use. It’s focused on enticing new customers to try a business’s products or services and keeping existing customers happy and loyal to a brand.

  1. Collect and analyze customer data

Gathering customer data is an important consumer marketing strategy since it allows you to get to know customers better and deliver personalized messages that drive conversions. To start collecting and analyzing customer data, learn more about your customers by conducting market research.

  1. Segment your audience

Once you’ve added your first-party data into a CRM, you can create segments based on data points that are most valuable for your business. Are there segments who are highly satisfied with your products and services that they’d refer your business to their family and friends? Another consumer marketing tactic you can consider is creating a loyalty program for these segments to keep them engaged with your business.

  1. Employ personalization

Personalized marketing enhances the customer experience. Consumers appreciate it when brands take an extra effort to view them as humans, try to understand their needs, and tailor marketing messages and unique customer journeys for them. That’s why 77% of people choose, recommend, or even pay for brands that provide personalized marketing experiences. This is a consumer marketing strategy that you can use to stand out from the competition.

  1. Create a social media strategy

Nurture your relationships with your audience through an organic social media strategy. An excellent way for B2C companies to engage with them is to share user-generated content of customers using your product. You can also add customer testimonials to your content calendar. You can also target new users by employing a paid social media advertising strategy. You can nudge them to engage with your post, leave a message, or sign up as a lead.

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