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Do you read what other shoppers have to say about a product before you click “Add to Cart”? You’re not alone, as 97% of consumers read reviews for local businesses. Product and customer reviews help your business in a lot of ways. Reviews are the building blocks of your business’s social proof. While many consumers check product reviews before purchasing, only a few customers write reviews. Here are five tips to earn more product reviews online:


  1. Make it easy for your customers to leave reviews

Anything easy gets done. So, if you’re looking for ways how to increase customer reviews, make the process as frictionless as possible. You can create several opportunities for them to review your products online: Make sure people can review your business and products via email, SMS, your website or through your app. In addition, make it easy to perform all options through a mobile phone.


  1. Ask for reviews

Not all your customers will take the initiative to leave reviews. To encourage them to review, reach out via email, SMS, or through your app. For example, let’s say you’re in the software as a service (SaaS) business. You can send an email weeks after a customer subscribed to your service. Ask them about their experience so far and provide a link that takes them to the review page. Make sure you also offer them options to reach out to you if they have questions.


  1. Use review management tools

There are a handful of review management tools you can choose from, depending on the platform you’re using. Tools like ReviewAccelerationFX can help you easily check all the reviews your business has collected from Google, Facebook, and Yelp from a single platform. In addition, you can even upload a list of customers you want to ask for reviews from!


  1. Post reviews on your website and social media pages

Wondering how to get organic reviews on social media? You can blend review management with your other digital marketing efforts like social media marketing and content marketing. With the consent of your customers, publish their reviews on your social media pages or place their glowing review on your product’s landing page. These reviews will encourage your other customers to review, so provide a link to your product preview page.


  1. Offer incentives

Another way to encourage your customers to leave a review is to offer a reward. You can explore giving discount coupons or give them additional points in your loyalty program for every review they give.

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