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Every software development model has its own advantages. The RAD model is no exception, and it can help you build your software quickly while keeping costs low. However, there are also might be some potential drawbacks to consider before committing to a RAD development approach.

Advantages of RAD model

1. Faster release to market

The RAD model allows you to get your software into the market faster than traditional software development models.

The reason for this is that the requirements are not just documented but also built into the application itself.

This means that instead of having to wait for developers to build features based on their interpretation of those requirements, you can simply release what has already been built and let users give feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

Because the RAD model requires less upfront design and planning, it’s easier for you to get your software in front of customers quickly.

2. Flexible to changes

Flexibility is an important aspect of product development.

It allows you to quickly respond to changes such as customer feedback, market conditions, and new technologies.

Flexibility can be achieved by designing a system that’s modular and easily extensible so that it can accommodate new features without breaking existing code.

3. Iterative development

Iterative development is a development approach that emphasises frequent, incremental changes to the software.

In an iterative development process, the end result is developed in small steps and delivered frequently to customers as it is being built.

As each iteration of the product is released, customer feedback is gathered and used to inform future iterations.

4. Reduces project risk

The RAD model reduces project risk by allowing you to early stage prototyping.

As you design your project, you’ll be able to quickly see how it will perform in real life.

This makes it easier for you to identify and fix problems before they become too costly to fix.

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