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The design of a SaaS application can seem complicated at first. However, the SaaS UX process is not as daunting as it appears. Just like any UX design process, certain guidelines and tips prove extremely helpful. Based on the common practices in some of the leading designs, a list of SaaS UX best practices is presented below. These practices simplify the design process and ensure better end results.

As a UI/UX designer, you can use these best practices as a checklist to add value to your future projects.

1. Keep it simple

SaaS applications are quite complicated themselves. One of the most important jobs of a UX designer is to simplify the user interface and experience as much as possible. This does not mean that the key features are compromised but that the interaction of users is given more attention. Creating a familiar experience with the help of easy-to-use buttons, gestures, and text or media content helps in making things simple and clear.

2. Design for all platforms and devices

Another important aspect to consider when working on SaaS UX design is of the application’s adaptability and flexibility. Since a SaaS application is to be used by multiple organisations for various purposes, it is critical that the design is not restricted to a single platform or device. If, for example, an application is only designed for iOS devices, it leaves a big section of the potential audience out of the design. This can be detrimental to the overall performance of the SaaS application.

3. Ensure easy registration

For the users, registering for a new service is almost always a frustrating experience. This is where the users have to provide a lot of information and spend at least a few minutes with the user interface without actually enjoying the services. It is essential for SaaS applications to have a simple and easy registration process, so the users can get it done in little time with lesser effort.

4. Improve the onboarding experience

Learning a tool can always be overwhelming for new users. This fact stays the same for SaaS applications. Therefore, along with an easy registration process, it is also important for designers to create a simple and useful onboarding experience. This means that similar to the registration process, onboarding should not take a long time. Additionally, the overall idea is to educate the new users so they can interact with the SaaS software in a way that can be the most beneficial.

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