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1. Flexibility

Cloud applications are much easier to scale up or down. If your business needs increase, you can easily add storage or memory. You can also reduce costs by shutting down unused cloud applications when you don’t need them. The flexibility of cloud apps also makes it easier for you to switch providers. If you find a better deal with another provider, you can simply move your data and applications over without having to worry about setting up new servers or migrating your data.


Cloud-based apps are scalable in nature, which means they can handle more traffic than traditional IT systems without slowing down performance or crashing. Cloud servers also have high availability meaning if one server goes down another will be available immediately so no downtime occurs during peak demand times or when there is a failure in another part of your system.

3. Lower Costs

Cloud app development can save you money compared to traditional on-premise software development. It does not require any upfront capital expenditure such as setting up servers or buying expensive licenses for operating systems and databases.

In addition, most cloud platforms charge their customers based on usage instead of charging them based on their resources like in traditional software development where they would have to purchase additional capacity before they know if they even need it or not which results in paying more than needed or not enough capacity being purchased which results in poor performance and unmet expectations from customers who expect their app to work flawlessly at all times when they use it no matter how many users are using it at the same time.

4.Security and reliability

Cloud applications are highly secure because they run in data centers that are protected by sophisticated security systems. You don’t have to worry about potential external threats such as hackers or viruses affecting your data because it is stored securely on remote servers. Cloud technology also reduces downtime because if something goes wrong with your own hardware, it doesn’t impact other users of the same service at all

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